Friday, May 28, 2010

Haïti [Ayiti]

This is Rony. He told us his name the first day we were there and we thought he said Homie. So we called him Homie all week. We discovered his real name after 3 days of being Homie, and Homie just stuck.
I cannot express how wonderfully amazing Haiti was! And I don't think I could really express what it was like in a blog, though I will do my best. I'll do one more post on Haiti before I leave for Guatemala.
First I have to tell you about our contact in Haiti. She has lived in New York for many years. She got married in NY, her husband died in NY, she went to nursing school in NY, she became a nurse in NY, and she went to Brooklyn Tab in NY. About 5 years ago God called her back to Haiti where she started Christ Love Tabernacle and Christ Love Center. The center provides clothes from the community and food for 250 children Monday - Saturday. She starts her day around 5am and ends it around 12pm. She is constantly feeding someone, giving clothes to someone, helping a sick person, and counsling people. And I forgot to mention that she is 72. Yeh, i just said that. You'd never believe it if you met her! Her name is Sister Bonite.So all week we helped her! We fed and played with the children everyday which was great! You'd never believe how much those kids can eat!! For most of them, the meal that Sis. Bonite gives them is the only meal they get. On Mondays most of those kids have not eaten since Saturday. They were so full of life and fun! We did arts and crafts with them and we also did some skits for them which was really fun! I love so much being able to make them laugh.

One day we took the youth to the beach and we got to talk to the girls about purity and living as a godly woman. That was a really wonderful time. Abigail and Lauren shared testimonies and many of the youth asked us some really tough questions. I'm so glad we had that time with them though!

and we wore Sister Bonite out!
We also helped Sis. Bonite by cleaning out her clothing room. She had boxes and boxes of clothes that people from Brooklyn Tab have sent her, so we organized them all and repacked them. We also organized her food room, which felt like it looked the same when we left. There was so much random food that the room was just over flowing. I mean, a closet thing full of tuna and a filing cabinet full of sardines. gross.
We got to walk around the town and meet people and pray for people. We also got to pray for sick people who came by to see Sister Bonite because she's a nurse. One man brought his little boy because he had bumps on his neck. The man spoke spanish so that was nice. Appparently he was from the DR and moved to Haiti with his son right before the earthquake.
Another girl we saw had a huge burn blister on her belly and Phil did a sub-Q injection. He was pretty excited about that, but it was really sad. Abigail and I held her hand. She was a brave little girl and did great.

Next post i'll tell you about the prison we went to and the tent city!! I'll also update about Guatemala! Right now my flight leaves Wednesday morning, but the Guatemala airport is currently closed due to volcano eruptions and the tropical storm, Agatha. Many people in Guatemala have been left homeless and there have been several mud slides. Be praying for me while I go down there in the middle of this and for the people of Guatemala.